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Areas for collaboration with our research teams
There are 5 main areas of focus that define the research activities of the Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory. Please contact our evaluation unit to refer you to the right team for your specific needs : lig-valorisationuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (lig-valorisation[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Collaboration through our experimental platforms
Industry Sponsored Research Agreements
CIFRE, Industrial Agreements for training through Research
The CIFRE is a system financed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to provide companies with financial aid helping them recruit doctoral students who are carrying out research projects with an external laboratory. Please consult the Ministry’s official website for further information.
The system involves three partners: a company, a doctoral student, and a research laboratory that supervises the thesis. The company recruits a master’s degree graduate on a permanent or fixed-term contract for three years, with a minimum gross annual salary of €23,484 (€1,957 per month), and entrusts him or her with research work on the subject of their thesis. The company signs a collaboration contract with the laboratory specifying the conditions under which the research will be carried out and the clauses on ownership of the results obtained by the doctoral student.
- Annual grant: The company receives an annual grant of €14,000 for three years from the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT), which manages CIFRE agreements on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
- Research Tax Credit: The expenses incurred by a CIFRE are eligible for research tax credit (CIR), after deduction of the grant obtained. In the event of recruitment with a permanent contract in the company at the end of his/her thesis, the doctoral student may enable their employer to receive the special status of “young doctor” in calculation of the CIR.
Terms and Conditions of Allocation
- The company must be based in France, regardless of size or sector of activity. Associations and local authorities are also eligible.
- The candidate must hold a master’s degree and be enrolled in doctoral training, regardless of nationality or age.
Application form
Applications are submitted to the ANRT (www.anrt.asso.fr) throughout the year. The examination period is two months. The applications are selected by an evaluation and supervision committee based on the conclusions of two experts' reports:
- Technical and financial expertise assigned to the regional research and technology delegate of the company’s region. This expertise takes into account the financial soundness of the company, its involvement in the research project, and its ability to provide the candidate with professional training.
- Scientific expertise carried out by a specialist in the field who assesses the scientific quality and relevance of the proposed project and its compatibility with the doctoral training and the candidate’s supervision
Research Tax Credit (CIR) - Bilateral Industrial Research Agreements
Bilateral collaboration between a research laboratory and an industrial partner may take two different forms:
- Collaborative research agreement: a contract defining the terms under which the laboratory collaborates with an industrial partner to conduct a study in which each party undertakes to carry out work on specific issues.
- Research service agreement: a contract between the laboratory and an industrial company whereby the laboratory undertakes to carry out studies with no results guaranteed, but which may lead to new knowledge that will benefit the company by enabling it, for example, to optimise its production or to solve a technical problem.
Research tax credit (CIR – Crédit d'impôt recherche) supports companies’ research and development activities. Expenditure incurred on fundamental research and experimental development activities is eligible for research tax credit. Companies deduct these expenses from their taxes. Research tax credit rate varies depending on the amount of the investments. For example, outsourced research expenditure entrusted to the laboratory counts double. See the dedicated page on the public service website for all research tax credit rates.
International and National Collaborative Projects
A collaborative R&D project is thus made up of a consortium of at least two entities with the objective of working on one or more R&D topics. To be eligible, a project must involve at least one company and one research organisation (research laboratory, and so on). There are different types of collaborative projects (National Agency for Research, BPI FSN, European Programme, regions, to name a few) with calls for projects each year.
- Boost innovation, research and R&D developments
- Facilitate public and private sector partnerships
- Access cutting-edge skills, tools and resources in research organisations
- Benefit from government co-funding
- Pool R&D costs
Université Grenoble Alpes Foundation
The Université Grenoble Alpes Foundation is a partnership foundation set up in 2014. Its mission is to support, promote and finance, through sponsorship, projects of public interest on the Grenoble University campus, which:
- Contribute to generating value for the beneficiaries (teachers-researchers, students, ESR organisations), for the sponsors (companies, foundations, and individuals) and for the region.
- Help promote the campus and the region in France and overseas.
Grenoble INP, Institut d’ingénierie et de management, Université Grenoble Alpes Foundation
The Grenoble INP - UGA Foundation was set up in 2010 to forge links between Grenoble INP - UGA and companies in the fields of teaching and research, as well as influence civil society. The Foundation is funded by an initial endowment from its six founding members and by the ongoing support of corporate partners and individual benefactors. The Foundation's action programmes are designed for the mutual benefit of all benefactors and are aligned with the three strategic pillars of the Foundation, namely citizenship, excellence, and international outreach.
Carnot Institutes
The Carnot Instituts are national institutes, committed to developing partnerships between the research and business communities in areas of expertise that will help respond to major economic and societal challenges. Founded in 2006, the Carnot Label was designed to promote the development of partnership-based research and technology transfer between public research organisations and companies through contract research.
LSI Carnot Institute, Software and Intelligent Systems
The LSI Institute Carnot groups 10 laboratories and university teams from the Grenoble academy – in the field of digital technology – which are strongly involved in the industrial and socio-economic life of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region.
The institute co-operates closely with local stakeholders. It possesses a research-industry interface and a development hub to provide an efficient response to the expectations of both SMEs and Mid-caps. The LSI Carnot Institute has design, development, and test platforms in the following digital market sectors: high-performance computing, modelling and simulation, design and validation of analog and digital circuits, design and validation of embedded software, virtual reality and collaborative design (Mexico), rapid prototyping and model building of vehicles, user laboratory and smart flat, as well as clinical investigation.
The Cognition Institute
Labelled by the French National Research Agency after the 4th call of Carnot Institutes, the Cognition Institute is a National Institute created to develop partnership-based research with companies in the field of cognitive technologies. "Cognitive technologies" means any approach for interaction with or between humans, mediated by technologies that engage and modify cognitive functions such as perception, memory, decision, language, attention, vision and others. The objective of the Cognition Institute is to provide companies with a skills portal that enables them to better take into account human capacities in the development of new technologies and services, thus increasing their innovation potential and their competitiveness.
Start-up Creation
Start-up creation can be a result of partnerships between companies and LIG researchers. In this area, the laboratory relies on Linksium, a French Technology Transfer Accelerator Office (SATT) of Grenoble Alpes.
Linksium, a French Technology Transfer Accelerator Office (SATT) of Grenoble Alpes is a major player in economic development linked to innovation. Its objective is to enhance the value of public research through the transfer of technologies to the market.
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