Monday January 20, 2025
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Strategic reasoning with quantitative goals
In recent years, a wealth of logic-based languages have been introduced to reason about the strategic abilities of autonomous agents in multi-agent systems (MAS), including Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) and Strategy Logic (SL). These formalisms have been used to verify the correctness of a MAS, which is viewed as a yes/no matter: either the system satisfies the specification or it does not. Evaluating the quality of systems through Boolean satisfaction is often inadequate, as different levels of quality may exist. In this talk, we present recent extensions of ATL and SL with quantitative semantics, allowing us to capture different degrees of satisfaction. We then discuss how these formalisms can be applied to Mechanism Design and Incentive Engineering.
Date and place
Monday January 20, 2025 at 10:00
Amphithéatre F107, INRIA Montbonnot
Organized by
Jérôme Euzenat
Leader of the mOeX Team
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