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Séminaire CONVECS - Lina Marsso

Mardi 9 Mai 2023

Early Verification of Legal Compliance via Bounded Satisfiability Checking


Legal properties involve reasoning about data values and time. Metric first-order temporal logic (MFOTL) provides a rich formalism for specifying legal properties. While MFOTL has been successfully used for verifying legal properties over operational systems via runtime monitoring, no solution exists for MFOTL-based verification in early-stage system development captured by requirements. Given a legal property and system requirements, both formalized in MFOTL, the compliance of the property can be verified on the requirements via satisfiability checking. In this paper, we propose a practical, sound, and complete (within a given bound)  satisfiability checking approach for MFOTL. The approach, based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), employs a counterexample-guided strategy to incrementally  search for a satisfying solution. We implemented our approach using the Z3 SMT solver and evaluated it on five case studies spanning the healthcare, business administration, banking and aviation domains.  Our results indicate that our approach can efficiently determine whether legal properties of interest are met, or generate counterexamples that lead to compliance violations.

Date et Lieu

Mardi 9 Mai 2023 à 11h
Inria Montbonnot - salle F108

Organisé par



Computer Science Department, University of Toronto

Submitted on June 5, 2023

Updated on October 15, 2024