Wednesday 22 May, 2024
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Mission planning for integrated marine robotic systems
"In recent years, the use of multi-robot systems in operational contexts has significantly increased. Particularly in hostile environments, these systems allow for efficient and secure operations. Underwater demining missions are typical examples of operations where autonomous devices are particularly valuable. Indeed, these missions involve both strong temporal and environmental constraints, while requiring the use of a fleet of heterogeneous devices. Thus, devising an action plan for each of these devices proves to be a central but also complex problem. Automated planning is the branch of computer science that aims at providing an automatic solution to this problem. The mission environment is modeled using properties whose values are modified by the actions of the devices. From this modeling, automated planning systems construct a sequence of actions to achieve a predefined objective. Hierarchical planning is a specific type of planning in which the objective of the mission is defined by a set of tasks to be accomplished. The aim of the work presented below is, first and foremost, to review existing automated planning approaches, initially in the context of underwater demining and then in a more general context. Secondly, we propose new approaches to solve hierarchical planning problems. We theoretically present these approaches and then experimentally demonstrate their effectiveness compared to approaches in the literature."
Date and place
Wednesday 22 May, 2024 at 9:30
Auditorium Jean Kuntzmann
Jury members
Charles LESIRE
Directeur de recherche (ONERA), Rapporteur
Caroline CHANEL
Maîtresse de conférences (ISAE-SUPAERO), Rapporteure
Professeure des universités (Université Grenoble- Alpes), Examinatrice
Professeur des universités (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Examinateur
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