Monday, January the 20th, 2025
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L'équité dans les problèmes de décision collective
More precisely:
The work presented in this habilitation thesis belongs to the field of social choice theory, and more precisely to the domain of computational social choice, which precisely lies at the interface between microeconomics and computer science. In this context, I especially investigate the notion of fairness in collective decision making problems. Here, by "collective decision making", I refer to any kind of situation where a set of agents (that can be persons or entities like companies or local authorities) have to jointly reach an agreement in order to choose an option among several available ones. In my presentation, I will particularly focus on two collective decision making situations: fair division of indivisible goods on the one hand, and elections on the other hand.
The first part, dedicated to fair division of indivisible goods, is essentially theoretical. Here, the aim is to draw the landscape of formal models of fairness in this domain, also unveiling the connections between them. I will also briefly present the computational properties of these models, namely, by showing to which extent computing a solution satisfying these criteria is hard.
The second part, dedicated to voting in the very specific context of political elections, is based on a completely different approach, namely, more experimental than theoretical. Here, the objective is to show the interest of experimental and simulation approaches for a better understanding of the effects of voting methods on the result of an election.
Finally, my presentation will end up by trying to put those works on social choice theory in perspective of the current global crises related to the collapse of the environmental conditions, especially by showing that several problems related to keeping the society within the planetary boundaries can naturally be seen from the point of view of social choice.
Date and place
Monday, January the 20th, 2025, at 2PM
Amphi H − Ada Lovelace − at Ensimag
Jury members
Christian KLAMLER
Associate Professor, University of Graz, reviewer
Professeure, Université Paris Dauphine, reviewer
Professeur, Université de Caen Normandie, reviewer
Professeure, Université Grenoble-Alpes
Evangelos MARKAKIS
Associate Professor, University of Athens
Professeur, Université d’Artois
Directrice de Recherche, CNRS
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